Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why girls shouldn't ask their boyfriends if they're fat

1) If we say they are not fat, they don't believe us. They ask us again and again. Its like they want us to say they're fat. (But please never fall into that trap)

2) If they detect even the tinest of hesistation from us, they think we think they're fat. After which we have to spend the next 81723981 hours to "hong" them.

3) if we say they are fat.. thats IT! All I can say is good luck bro!

We're in a lose lost situation no matter what we say.

Seriously, if you think you are fat, please do something about it. Do not bother your boyfriends with "Am I fat darling?"

Yes.. after this post.. I would have to spend the next 9825634 hours to "hong" Mrs Tootsie.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Agreed. the question all men dread.

anyways, may the force be with you.

good luck

Anonymous said...

Since I can't ask my bf, let me ask you then.
Do you think I'm fat?

Anonymous said...

why not try reply her, "is it a trick question?"

Anonymous said...
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Mr and Mrs Tootsie said...

Anonymous: thanks man!

Precious: (without blinking my eyes) Nope, definately not!

Tianhong: but what if she reply "no. im serious." than i still have to answer mah..

3point8: sorry 3point8, Mrs Tootsie is pissed that u suggest breaking up with her so she del your comment.. lol.. but thanks for yr comment. but if I should break up with every girl who ask me that question. i'll never be married this life. Anyway, Im happy with Mrs Tootsie :)

To all who comments: thanks for your comments and for dropping by our blog.

Mr Tootsie