Tuesday, April 15, 2008

(Just for fun) What if.....the person whom you are talking to....has BAD BREATH

I mean what if.....

How would you politely tell the person whom you are talking to....that he/she has bad breath:

1) Casually ask what brand of toothpaste he use while you find an excuse saying that you thought of changing to other brands of toothpaste....

2) Ask him if he's thirsty and need a drink?

3) Pop some sweets/mints first (if you have) before offering to the person who has bad breath?

4) or Maybe just casually bring up something that you know or read from an article/mag? ....on the method of scraping your tongue...as part of the daily morning routine when brushing your teeth?

5) or Keep rubbing your nose when u talk to the person (trying to hint to him maybe that his breath errrr)...?

6) or Ask whether he has been staying up late recently as he look "tired" and suggest to him to buy "liang teh" to cool down the body heatiness (this was suggested by Mrs PDA hahaha )

Hmm these are all I can think of....but I would use option 3 as its the most polite and non-offending method. Any refreshing ideas to share?

Well actually I have used option 3 before ....popping Clorets to my mouth before offering to my friend...clumpsy as usual, I have accidentally pour out quite an amount of Clorets on her palm instead of just 1-2 pieces....she jokingly commented: I got very bad breath meh...need so many Clorets....

Laughs Mrs Tootsie

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