Wednesday, November 19, 2008


LOL.. This is a lesson to Mrs Tootsie that she should keep her mouth shut..

After that joke about her brother's friend who got hit by some birdshit, Mrs Tootsie has been talking non stop about bird shit. We were at Orchard along Royal Park Hotel the other day and upon hearing the calling of the birds, she commented that the birds here are very "guai".

"Look at the floor" she said "Its so clean, the birds here don't anyhow shit"

So the birds decided to explain to her why the floor along the pavement in orchard road is so clean.


the birds shit on people!

and the lucky person is our dear Mrs Tootsie.. hahahahahahahahahahah

But actually we don't know if its shit or not cos its not white but red in colour. I believe its some berries the bird ate? We're not sure whether its shit or not. I was thinking maybe the bird ate the berries and did not digest it? And it straightaway just shit out?

I don't know.. any ideas?

1 comment:

Mr and Mrs Tootsie said...

DAR DAR!!!! I will avoid that path during evening time when the birdies is flying back to their nest!