Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Stupid forward email!

Short talk: Don't you guys know what century we're living in now? If you want to find out anything, GOOGLE IT!


I've always enjoy forwarded emails. Well, most of the times when even though they may be a little lame or boring or stupid, they help make your day easier to pass. But this is one which I really must comment on.

This is the message it came with:

Dear Friends,

Next time when you're at Food Republic of Vivo City and have craving forYong Tau Foo,pls check their prices first!Below's a receipt from some1 who spent $19.20 on a bowl of yong tau foo!

Look at it. Don't you feel its a bit excessive? The amount of food he ordered? A total of 19 items excluding the noodles. So what's wrong with it cost $19.20? Its a food court not a coffee shop of course the items are a little pricier.

My Mee Pok also don't have 5 fish balls!!

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