Monday, January 28, 2008


Was driving along PIE earlier when this idiot Taxi SHA 2131S cut in to the 2nd lane but just nice a Toyota Wish I think... also signal and went into lane 2. So Mr Taxi happy happy no need to check blind spot and cut into my lane 1. I had to brake hard and horn him. I don't think I ever horn this long before. I don't think I even horn at anyone for a long time. To think I was getting pretty pissed with drivers nowadays and was complaining to Mrs Tootsie recently that I very long time never use my horn.

I must say I am a safe driver. I don't tailgate, always maintaining a distance. I have learnt to curb my anger most of the time(yes I do mumble some swear words but then I cool down fast). I practice defensive driving. I try to give way most of the time IF people signal. I am considerate. I signal almost like 99% of the time no matter if there is car or not. I don't overtake and do not accelerate because petrol is expensive. I don't overtake someone in front when way behind that car is just empty road.

To that Taxi SHA 2131S, Bloody Hell!

Ok I am cool now..


It seems that Suharto case is much discussed after what our MM Lee says about him.

'Yes, there was corruption. Yes, he gave favours to his family and his friends. But there was real growth, real progress.' (source: Straitstimes)

From what I hear on TV, Suharto's children is still on civil suits by the Indonesian government to recover some of the money.

To me, its over, he's dead so what for debate so much? You can't put him to jail or put him on a death row.

I think their children should just give some money back to the government or use some of their rumoured $35b to help their country. I think by doing that they can appease the Indonesian government and people. Hey, good for their karma too. :)

1 comment:

Mr and Mrs Tootsie said...

Darling be careful.

Curse that taxi driver manz!Reckless driving! Point him!!!!