So yesterday I finally got a chance to experience fishing from a boat. Together with 5 other friends, we rent a boat(those where you take to pulau ubin).
I actually duno where we fish but it was always near Singapore. Cos I can my favourite island, Pulau Tekong, can see malaysia and sometimes Uncle tell us its Indonesia!
In total I caught 5 thing. 5 thing because I don't know some of the thing I caught.
1) Some small fish that is about 12cm long.
2) Some sorta shark

3) Puffer fish

4) Sea urchin with a small red sea cucumber stuck on it

5) A piece of stone!!
Our total caught. The 2 biggest fish was caught by the Uncle.

My contribution is one of the small one
So after a tired day of fishing, we took the fishes to a restaurant(which one of my friends know the chef) and had him cook our fishes. So this is the results...

2 groupers cooked in Hongkong style.
I-duno-what-fishes cooked in curry style.
This is the 1st time I had so much fishes for dinner. I dun mind cos I love eating fishes. It was really one of the best dinner and I think I'll remember this dinner for a long time to come.People walking was looking at us thinking what are this 4 weird guys doing eating 3 dishes of fishes for dinner. One pass by and comment "wah this restaurant sells fishes only ar?" It was funny to see the faces of everyone who passes by our table.
This is the end of our dinner...
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