Time: 11.31am
I finally managed to sleep at 5 am today but it was not a good one actually...BUT maybe god knows I din sleep well and YEAH it rained!!! Yeh so shiok to sleep in a rainy weather.
I grabbed the Mind your Body article and saw this section on (Bank on your bones).This brings back memories..... when I had a bad fall.
I remembered that day was also one of my sec buddy (N)'s bday. That morning I woke up early to sit for a CPIM test arranged by my co. While having my morning shower, I realised a HUGE lizard was on my foot. At that moment, I did not know how to react and neither did I shout. All I knew was I was getting that disgusting feeling. So I quickly dressed up and ran right out from the bathroom! I ran and SLIPPED right from my kitchen to my living room...its not those normal slipped distance that you could have imagine...That fall...I feel like I was ice skating without the skater shoes! So can you imagine it? ...and I landed with a loud thud! I couldnt get up and was struggling for 10 mins alone and in pain....I felt the pain in my abdomen. When I managed to get up, I couldnt stand straight.
Thinking back, I thought I was pretty strong mentally. I made my way (like a pregnant lady) to the school to sit for the test. I passed that test of course:) But the pain and how I endured it for my good fren's bday at night ...staying overnight at Gallery Hotel as we gals have already organised for the bday gal there...
Struggling with the pain...which I think most girls cannot take it...I struggled to work as usual, keeping mumb without telling my parents. I made my way to see my co doc and the doc asked me to take an X ray. I also remembered I was in pain until I have difficulty speaking normally...I was just trying to endure it and hope its just a small fall that I will recover soon. X ray showed that I have broken my Vertebrate T12. Only then, did I pluck up my courage to tell my mum about how serious my bone fracture is. My mum nagged of course...just becuz of that stupid lizard and made u like this???!!! Even you readers would have think that I was stupid.
I must say I "suffered" quite alot after this fall. My mum brought me to see a specialist for orthopaedic at SGH. The doc told my mum I was very lucky. I was born with fragile bones and that fall almost made me paralysed. The doc detected the fracture was just 1 cm to my spine. I was very lucky indeed. However the doc has cautioned me....another second serious fall, will really make me paralyse and I shd avoid carrying heavy stuff.
After which, I remembered I made visits and check up with the doc and a chinese sin seh, consuming calcium tablets and chinese sinseh pills for the following 9 mths to a year...it was a very very tiring journey....but soon, reports showed that my fractured bone has healed and I am fully discharged from seeing the doc.
Its been 2 years now, mummy consistently remind me to take more calcium...so reading the section on (Bank on your bones) on this week issue of Mind your body, its really important to start banking more calcium before we age at 30. Recommended intake of calcium shd be 800 - 1000mg. Low intake will lead to lower bone density and high risk of fractures.
So let's all start saving now, plumping more calcium to our own bank account :)
Mrs Tootsie.
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