Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The pitch black lift

Just the other day I had the pleasure to take a lift that was pitch black! yes! no kidding! PITCH BLACK!

That very day in the afternoon, the lift in my block was already making weird noises and 1 part of the lights was off. I was afraid of getting stuck in the lift or worst, the lift just fall all the way down. And me staying on the 23rd floor, this is a scary thought.

Nothing happened in the afternoon so I thought should be ok, they'll send someone to repair it the next day. However, I came back that night at 11+pm. When the lift open, it was pitch black. I was waiting for a couple seconds for the lights to come on as sometimes late at night when my lift stays in the 1st floor for some time, the lights will switch off and when press the button, it'll come back on. I think some energy savings thing. But the light did not came on. I'm not gona take a pitch black lift. So I press the button for the next lift which goes the even floor. Still the same. Pitch Black. I cannot be climbing up 23 stories of stairs right?!? Moreover, I was a little urgent at that time. What should I do?At that time my balls already shrinking but I decided I must go in. So I stand inside with my right hand holding the handphone(for the light) and my left hand holding my GPS PDA phone. My mind was wandering. My god, will there suddenly be a old woman who will look at me and say 'Hi'? I will freak out man! And just as the lift reach the 23rd floor before it opened, both the lights on my hp and PDA went off at the same time!!! My balls almost went right in and fly out through my mouth. Luckily the door of the lift open just after the lights went off. Phew!

Thank god man!


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