Today Darling and I went to Vivocity, Naraya boutique to get a nice naraya bag for Darling's god sister. Xmas gift :) Its really nice of her to buy us a Precious moment couple cups and we decided to keep it and use it for our future home.
I wanted to get a LV look-alike naraya bag for Darling's god sister. See attached photo. The naraya bag comes in white col. However it has run out of stock. Only col left is brown and pink. So we decided to get brown for god sister. I was tempted by a white Naraya bag with ribbon. I thought it look sweet. White is my fav colour for bags but too bad in Thailand, all the white Naraya bags ran out of stock. I was really tempted to get it and carry it during chinese new year.
Mrs Tootsie: (looking sooo tempted)...darling I thought of getting this bag...
Mr Tootsie kept quiet and look at me.
So Mrs Tootsie put back the bag and continued to decide on the bag to get for Darling's god sister. Finally we decided on the LV look-alike bag. It's brown in colour too.
Mrs Tootsie talked to the sales lady: Please get me a new piece.
All of a sudden, Mr Tootsie: Please also get me a new piece for the white one.
I looked at Mr Tootsie happily...like a happy little girl holding her candy floss happily.
Thank you Darling! Muacks!
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