Sunday, December 30, 2007

31st Dec 2008...We kept our fingers crossed

Both Mr and Mrs Tootsie have applied flat at Telok Blangah. We love the location and hope that we can get a good unit there. The chances is like betting on TOTO. Due to its strategic location, of 210 4 room units, HDB has already received 6000 over applicants. I can say of all the areas that I have seen, Telok Blangah Heights has received a tremendous response of applicants.

Well we shall just keep our fingers crossed :)

Naraya and Me

Today Darling and I went to Vivocity, Naraya boutique to get a nice naraya bag for Darling's god sister. Xmas gift :) Its really nice of her to buy us a Precious moment couple cups and we decided to keep it and use it for our future home.

I wanted to get a LV look-alike naraya bag for Darling's god sister. See attached photo. The naraya bag comes in white col. However it has run out of stock. Only col left is brown and pink. So we decided to get brown for god sister. I was tempted by a white Naraya bag with ribbon. I thought it look sweet. White is my fav colour for bags but too bad in Thailand, all the white Naraya bags ran out of stock. I was really tempted to get it and carry it during chinese new year.

Mrs Tootsie: (looking sooo tempted)...darling I thought of getting this bag...

Mr Tootsie kept quiet and look at me.

So Mrs Tootsie put back the bag and continued to decide on the bag to get for Darling's god sister. Finally we decided on the LV look-alike bag. It's brown in colour too.

Mrs Tootsie talked to the sales lady: Please get me a new piece.

All of a sudden, Mr Tootsie: Please also get me a new piece for the white one.

I looked at Mr Tootsie a happy little girl holding her candy floss happily.

Thank you Darling! Muacks!

That's my cute darling

Occassionally Mr Tootsie will have some funny acts that will make me laugh...or is it I am Miss Giggly.

We've got this giggly since the day we are together, been thru with us during the journeys in the van and soon he will be sitting in Mr Tootsie's new rex car.

Whenever I am in the van, I will miss Giggly's presence...but as Mr Tootsie said, Giggly is tucked safely under the safety belt in the new rex car. I took note of that but I thought Mr tootsie was only joking with me...saying he was tucked safely under the safety belt. As always, Mr Tootsie loves to use funny descriptions.

However yesterday when we were taking the rex car to the autocar exhibition, I was surprised to see Giggly really sitting behind with a safety belt. Darling why are u so cute :P

Auto Expo 2007

Went down to the Auto Expo this afternoon. Was so disappointed. The whole show was about parellel importers and a few vendors selling their stuff. It was so pathetic. They say it was free but there was another section, the import nights or something that cost $10 to enter. My friend was saying inside was like a night club with flashing lights and gals dancing around the cars?!? Man, I rather go Thailand to watch such dances.

The drifting part was also... common. Very basic. I understand how difficult it is to drift but I think this group drift is more impressive.

After that I shocked my cousin by driving my car to his parking lot. It was fun to see his reaction. lol. I could still hear him talking to his friend moments ago about whether I was planning to buy a car. "Oh he's looking at a 2nd hand one... blahblah..." hahha..

We had dinner then supper all the while talking about cars. There is really a lot to do for my car.. rims, gauges, oil cooler etc.. I really don't know where to start. Half the time I don't even know what my cousin was talking about. There is so much to learn.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunty Pauline



Friday, December 28, 2007

Mr and Mrs PDA house.. our 2nd home??

It seems that Mr and Mrs PDA house is like our 2nd home. We've been there like 5-6 times since they got married. I guess at least 3 times we were there watching the 9pm show on ch 8, golden path. So much so that Mrs PDA is asking to collect money to watch the 'movie'.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Santa Kiss-Mas


Its Mr and Mrs Tootsie second Xmas celebration together. How time flies....

Darling Merry Kiss-Mas to u and hope to celebrate with you till old with our own huge Xmas tree!

Love Mrs Tootsie

Friday, December 21, 2007

Another way to nag?!?

As if nagging is not enough, now there is a service where you can nag through this website:

How it works is you enter the cellphone, date and message and the recipient will receive a SMS on your nagging.

Here Miss Naggy, another way for you to NAG.

Hehe.. but luckily this is only available in the states. THANK GOD!

Thanks lot Mr Tootsie...say I nag....must be thinking...haven marry u, I already started nagging! Getting on ur nerves right FAN SI LE hahhahaa
I nag also for ur own good lor...shen (1) zai (4) fu (2) zhong (1), BU (4) zi (1) FU (2)!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I just cant forget the Joke....during Mr & Mrs PDA wedding_16 Dec 07

The joke of the day on the 16th Dec 07, the wedding day of Mr & Mrs PDA.

Introducing the joker, Nana and Mr B.
Mr B was the driver and nana that morning has forgotten to wear her specs. And so the joke began....

They were on the way back from Mr PDA hse at Jurong to Mr & Mrs PDA new nest at BP. Its such a coincident that at Mr PDA hse, there's another bridal car and it was black in colour.

Not too sure why Mr B din take note of Mr PDA's bridal car plate and the colour of the car and blur blur.... followed the wrong bridal car. The bridal car headed to Jurong East and Mr B followed blindly. When they reached there, funny part was Mr B even blindly horned the car. "The usual horning" to alert the bridemaids and bride...but wasn't that done early in the morning already. Obviously Mr B was so blur that he forgot and horned the second time ??? !!!Doesn't he feel strange...

It was only until one guy approached Mr B car, and asked if they were attending XXX wedding.
Nana replied, No we are attending Mr "PDA" wedding...

So that was really a big joke of Nana and Mr B and all of us had a good luff!

Mrs Tootsie's dad almost a "murderer"

My dad almost murder us....!!!!!!!!!! Guess wat!

Mrs Tootsie, the first to reach home.

Mrs Tootsie's mum: Wah u know wat ur father did anot! I was at home and dunno why I just feel that our hse smelt of gas. As its was raining I bring in the clothes and closed the windows...strange, why does the hse smell of gas again..when the windows are closed.

To my astonishment! Your dad forget to turn off one of the gas knob completely and the gas was leaking. My dad cooked cereal for breakfast this morning at 6. That means to say, the gas was leaking from 6 plus to 1pm

Mrs Tootsie's bro the next to reach home.

Again Ma complained to bro and the funny part was, my bro reaction was even "bigger" than mine. He put his hands on his waist, walked to the gas stove and said : Wa Lau eh, MA you better scold Pa. Must scold him!


Mrs Tootsie here again

Well, as you know Xmas season is coming, we will have lots of free log cakes to eat....yum yum.

Today I had my first log cake and while Mr L is cutting the log cake, he asked me to help him out. Before that, he was searching for a knife..and I suggested how about using the portable knife that was given to us during this year company D&D. He saw the knife and commented : ...the knife so puny...then u might as well ask me to use pen knife...somemore can extend. hahahha Funny Mr L.

As I went over to help Mr L, I saw three sticks of biscuits. Mmmm Looks like Porky Sticks. Yum! So I took one and POP into my mouth. Guess wat Mr L say...yerrr you like to eat Cinnamon stick...

My god! It wasnt porky stick, but cinnamon stick! YUCKS! I quickly puked out.

The lift incident

Inside the lift..

*press on 23rd floor button*

*press a 2nd time*

'Ehh..' Mrs Tootsie showing signs of frustration.

*press a 3rd time*

*press a 4th time*

-_- !!! (can't use shift \ to indicate a straight line so I use !)<- me

Finally at her 5th try she realises her mistake.

We are on the 23rd floor.

Pity me.. sob..

Mr Tootsie

Monday, December 17, 2007

Congratulations Mr and Mrs PDA!!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs PDA. Now you guys can legally PDA. Hehe..

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Froggies and Me

Yesterday I had dinner with darling at Sakae sushi at westmall. Frogs is Sakae's logo. And over the cashier counter they sold some froggies soft toys, froggies slippers etc. I think I saw too much of that, that I had a bad dream. I dreamt of a ugly giant frog chasing after me.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Yesterday was really a funny day. I was in a meeting with xxx forwarding co and during the end of the meeting, I was going to bring up an issue with our forwarder when I burst out laughing non stop in the midst of conversation. Everyone was looking at me with blank looks and L, my supervisor, continued with the issue. However he himself also laugh and we finally cool ourselves down and continue.

My colleagues were asking me what am I laughing. Reason being, when I was talking, I suddenly turned to one of this old man from xxx and his name is Mr P. He look like Mr Potato (from the comic character - Wang Sha Ye Feng)...and so I really cant control myself but laugh it out. Till now his comical look is still in my mind. Oh dear how am I going to face him during the next xxx meeting. :P

Anyway after a good luff, both darling and I met Nana and Nana hubby at AMK hub for dinner. Nana brought us to this coffee shop selling nice food. After which we head to Vivocity for our Chipmunks Movie. Yeah! This month, I have watched two really really nice movies ..they are Enchanted and Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Watching the 3 cutie Chipmunks dancing and prancing around and singing, it really makes my day. I especially like the youngest Chipmunks - Theodeor. Luv him cuz he is so cuddly, bui bui and cute....omg...and here's an extract from the movie that I like most about Theodeor...He is sooooooo innocent and loveable.

Xmas is coming and here's a xmas song from you.

Christmas, Christmas time is near,
Time for toys and time for cheer,
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast,
Want a plane that loops the loop,
Me, I want a hula hoop,
We can hardly stand the wait,
Please Christmas, don't be late.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The pitch black lift

Just the other day I had the pleasure to take a lift that was pitch black! yes! no kidding! PITCH BLACK!

That very day in the afternoon, the lift in my block was already making weird noises and 1 part of the lights was off. I was afraid of getting stuck in the lift or worst, the lift just fall all the way down. And me staying on the 23rd floor, this is a scary thought.

Nothing happened in the afternoon so I thought should be ok, they'll send someone to repair it the next day. However, I came back that night at 11+pm. When the lift open, it was pitch black. I was waiting for a couple seconds for the lights to come on as sometimes late at night when my lift stays in the 1st floor for some time, the lights will switch off and when press the button, it'll come back on. I think some energy savings thing. But the light did not came on. I'm not gona take a pitch black lift. So I press the button for the next lift which goes the even floor. Still the same. Pitch Black. I cannot be climbing up 23 stories of stairs right?!? Moreover, I was a little urgent at that time. What should I do?At that time my balls already shrinking but I decided I must go in. So I stand inside with my right hand holding the handphone(for the light) and my left hand holding my GPS PDA phone. My mind was wandering. My god, will there suddenly be a old woman who will look at me and say 'Hi'? I will freak out man! And just as the lift reach the 23rd floor before it opened, both the lights on my hp and PDA went off at the same time!!! My balls almost went right in and fly out through my mouth. Luckily the door of the lift open just after the lights went off. Phew!

Thank god man!


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Au Petit Salut ? Lawrys mmm

And so yesterday, as promised by Mr Tootsie, we will have Au Petit Salut in celebration for our anniversary dinner. The dinner was booked at 6.30pm. As we were there early, both of us walked around and when it was 6pm, darling asked if the restaurant is open. However we were told that the restaurant open at 7pm. ??? weird ??? Our dinner reservation was at 6.30pm.

hahahaha Mr Tootsie, finally its my chance to really laugh at your "blurrrr-ness". There's another Au Petit Salut at Holland so Mr Tootsie has reserved at the other outlet :P

Since we were both in town and we need to exchange Mr Tootsie's shirt at Paragon, as such we thought of having dinner in town. I had a sudden craving for MAC fries...but as we walked passed Lawrys...mmmm....Mr Tootsie suggested how about dinner at Lawrys.

And so we had our expensive dinner finally at Lawrys! Thumbs Up for their Lobster Tail! Yummy and Juicy :)

Darling thanks for the expensive dinner...I guess its one of the most expensive and fine dinning dinner I had in my life.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I finally got the call from the china cheating lady!

I finally got a call from the china lady. The scam about winning 2nd prize in the lottery.

This was what happened:

(conversation in chinese)
China cheating lady: Sir, Do you know how to speak chinese?
Me: Sorry I do not know *hang up*

After hanging up the phone, I was telling Mrs Tootsie, hahahaa the lady asked me if I know how to speak Chinese, but yet I replied I dont know (in chinese)


Standard Chartered Marathon

Sunday, dec 2 was the day of the run. With 3 weeks of training, I went for my 2nd marathon. I had to prove to my dad that I was determined. In fact "I was determined to prove him wrong!" The reason I had to do it was because he was always not admiting his mistake or arguing illogically!

The conversation below was what made me sign up for the marathon.

My dad made the statement: "You're not determined."

Of course I know what he meant. Other than sports activities, I was not really determined in other stuff. But I wanted to prove him wrong.

I argued "Why am I not determined? Does running long distance shows that you're determined?"

"Yes." He replied.

"Then I'm determined. Cos I ran the marathon and it is the longest distance competitive run."

"No. You're still not determined."


"You must be consistent. You must run a few times."

I was damn pissed off at that time. I understand what he was trying to say but he phase it completely wrong. So I completed the marathon on sunday with a timing thats not what I expected. Did it in under 6 hrs. Far far away from my target of 4+ hrs. But still..

I think I forgotten my last torture. I will never run another marathon again. Its really killing me. After the marathon I could hardly walk. I struggle every step. Standing up was a torture as you use the thigh muscle to stand. Why did I sign up for this torture??

Dec 2 was also another special day. It was me and my darling's 1 yr anniversary. Im sorry darling, we can't celebrate on that day. Actually we did.. hehe.. with free 10 course chinese dinner. But I hope you're happy with the present. The finisher medal is for you. **darling no worries, no money can replace ur medal of sweat and love. Love u.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Tootsies

Yesterday, 2nd Dec 07 was Tootsies' 1 year anniversary. How time flies...we have been together for a year, sharing the joy, laughter and at times, the usual couple bickering. Why I used the word 'bickering' , is because, till now, our Tootsies' relationship is smooth sailing, and I can say we haven had any heated quarrels with both of us having cold war for days. We will talk it out within a day and be a pair of lovely dovey Tootsies' again.

Although the day 2nd Dec is really a significant day for me, however we din quite celebrate for the occasion as Mr Tootsie had his 42km marathon on that day which he said is also a present for our 1 year anniversay - a medal of our 1 yr love journey (although there's another reason for him to go thru this marathon). But this torture of him having aching body and in pain, I would rather be celebrating with him for a simple romantic dinner than seeing him in pain. This will frustrate me which I think Mr Tootsie can see it. Cuz I always want the people around me be happy and not "suffering".

Nonetheless, I am still touched and thank him for still coming to my cousin's wedding although he was running a fever with aching legs on that day.

Our Au Petit Salut dinner was postponed...not too sure do we still have dinner tomorrow since Mr Tootsie is still having aching legs... times I reflect on what Mr Tootsie has said:

~I know Mr Tootsie always want to be special, special from anyone...but who has the idea....the time spent? the money spent?

Just like to be special for a wedding....but at times I was thinking, how special can we have, esp in Singapore. How special do we want to have for our chinese customary dinner....who has such innovative idea? The money spent on a wedding planner who will plan for our special day.....