As Darling Tootsies' parents were away for business trip, I stayed and kept him company. On a Wednesday wee morning, Darling Tootsie, complained his whole bodyache, breaking out in cold sweat...although he had seen a doc that nite. I was worried and cant sleep well...all thanks to the stupid creaking bed. So I had no choice and took a urgent leave on Thursday to take care of Darling Tootsie, although I had a workshop to attend on that day.
Thurday was suppose to be Isetan Sales day when I need to collect the bed sheet we intended to use for our Wedding day and also meeting my good frens....however looking at Darling Tootsies' condition, I guess he still need my company. So that morning, I rushed to get the bed sheet that I have reserved, take away food for both of us for the day.
I thought Darling Tootsie is well recovered and can be back to work on Fri. Again, he told me he had a sore throat and again, he left the office on Fri noon to take a rest at home :(
Yesterday nite, Darling Tootsie whined again...complaining he had a very bad headache and broke out in cold sweat too...I was so scared..and gave him med to eat..
Seeing him so sick, sadden no matter what, I have made the decision to bring Darling Tootsie to see Dr Chew, my family doctor whom I see him since young and always recovered fast when I consumed his med, though his med fee is pretty ex.
The medical fee cost Darling Tootsie $47. Although this time round, he needs to consume antibiotics, I told Darling Tootsie, he needs that to kill the bacteria! I really pray that Darling Tootsie is back to his hyper-active self:)
Initially I already wanted to forgo the idea of gng to the Charles and Keith & Pedro warehouse sale since Darling Tootsie is not well. Caught by surprise, he brought me to his workplace area to have lunch and head to the warehouse sale. I was shocked of course. Muacks!Maybe Darling Tootsie know I am a shoe lover hahaha
I grabbed a ivory white colour working bag hehee at the sale :)
Ta dar....below are pictures of our Wedding Bed Sheet (After less is $150 with 500 bed threads, using our Isetan vouchers) and my purchased item from C&K sale.

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