Thursday, November 19, 2009
My Thoughts towards the whole wedding prep :)
For someone who thought that wedding was just a ceremony, I never knew that it can reveal so much more. And this wedding preparation has made me seen through the true colours of some of our friends. That goes the same for our parents. They have learnt something :)
There's this friend of mine whom I only know her for 2 years through Darling Tootsie and that's Nana Darling.
Thank YOU, NANA for always lighting up my life this year. Your cheerful and happy disposition rubs off on me all the time. You have really helped us alot in this wedding preparation no matter how busy you are:) and also a BIG Thank YOU to my Aunt F. You are unlike those typical singaporeans who are so money conscious cause' in their mind every little cents count. As for YOU, you simple ensure that the little page boy and girl are dressed in their most perfect attire for our evening, irregardless of how expensive the dresses are. Hugs to my Aunt F.
And to my other friends like Ms P, N, K and G, Thank you to YOU!!!
For understanding what I am going through and going that extra mile for me esp Ms K and G :)
Thank you Ms P for organising the girls' party.
There's this one more person whom I will not forget to thank and thats my hubby to be whom we will be walking down the aisle together. You are the Best!!! Giving me support in whatever I want to do, encourangment and a good companion. This wedding preps I have seen the good sides of you though at times you are just lazy * tickles *
Oh my!!! Oh my!!! Its exactly 17 days from now! I see the big picture. I look beyond the wedding on the 6th Dec.
See you guys!
Mrs Tootsie
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Good bye Baby
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thank u Darling
Mrs Tootsie
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Finally our new "baby" is coming soon
Soon we gona bid goodbye to the "fast" baby....and welcome a new one to our family.
Mrs Tootsie :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Great Pre Honeymoon Holiday in Brisbane, Gold Coast

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Darling Tootsie saw his all time fav idol!
I was the one who spotted her at Ya Kun (Changi Airport T3).
Darling Tootsie kept asking me to go and order the drinks, however after I told him I saw Sharon Au and told him its an opportunity for him to see his all time fav idol, he happily went to order, of course I knew his real intention is to see Sharon Au!
True as it is, he was smiling all the way back to our table.
Sweet Dreams Darling Tootsie.
Mrs Tootsie
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Goodbye my beloved Gong Gong :(
I wont forget those were the days how I looked for gong gong when I was terribly sick and gong gong will wake my parents up....
I wont forget those were the days when gong gong knew we love to eat Muay Chi and bought lotsa for us from the Pasar Malam Market....
I wont forget those were the days he gave us allowance so that we have $ to get the things we wanna buy or eat....even during lantern festival he will give us $ to buy lovely lanterns...
Most vividly is when how gong gong keep wanting me to sing for him the JI GONG song when I was a very young little girl....after singing he will laugh.
The memories are still there and sad to say Gong Gong is not able to attend my wedding. Gong Gong I thought u can still hold on there though I know u are weak these few months....
Nonetheless Gong Gong I am always proud of u, how u cycled from one place to another, with ur skinny size, you are still able to carry those heavy sacks of rice and how you persists and continue with the rice business until the day you decided to let go and let your sons to continue with the business.
We are proud of you and finally u can meet Ah Ma in heaven:)
Gong Gong We Love U and U Rest in Peace.
Luv Mrs Tootsie
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
COE bid will be out today
As at today 9am:

Mrs Tootsie
Friday, September 4, 2009
Joke of the day
Once again its been a long long time since Mrs Tootsie has created her classic. I knew the guy was talking to me...but was he asking me a question or was he telling me something?
I assumed he was telling me this range of watches are $10...something like that...and so I nodded my head. Mr L then looked and me and told me Mrs Tootsie, why do u nod your head? Do you know this guy is asking you IF THE WATCHES ARE $10 ?? HAHAHA at this very moment I burst out laughing. To double confirm that guy is a customer, I went one round and indeed he is just a customer. Gosh. Mr L suggested that we leave this cart fast as I have acknowledged to the guy the watches are $ might not be the case and the boss might HUMTAN us hahaha
I was laughing all the way back to the office:P
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Our New Baby

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The movie Turning Point
Anyway THUMBS UP for the cast, Anthony Wong, Michael Tse and Fala Chen :)
(To Anthony Wong, you have always been very versatile in your roles...hmm u look great in fact with make up!)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thumbs up to Michael Tse

Mrs Tootsie
Pre Honeymoon Trip
Will collect our wedding cards right after we come back from our Pre Honeymoon holiday!
Cheers Mrs Tootsie
Mr and Mrs Tootsies' Honeymoon (Part 1)
Yohoo...our private time to kick start our brand new life after the wedding :)
Our initial plan was to go to Xmas Island, however Dec is a hot season, so I have decided to give it a miss for that month. Next is Boracay which Darling Tootsie wanna go...however the price to go to that lovely white beach is not justifiable, as compared to going to Mauritius. And so....
To Mauritius, the lovely island here I come :)

The resort where we will be staying

The Junior Suite that we'll be staying
Mrs Tootsie
Monday, August 17, 2009
More Wedding Preps before the Lunar Ghost Festival Begins
Anyway Darling U are great!!! For supporting me all these while in this guests list prep :)
Gona work hard on it again after the ghost festival and busier soon for the month of Oct.Gosh!!!!
Coming week, I shall collect my wedding photos soft copies Yippie and will pass it to my good buddy N, for helping us with the montage :)
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, August 7, 2009
We gona stand firm
I will stand by you no matter what!
Mrs Tootsie
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hope everything will be fine for Darling Tootsie * I really pray hard to God * Hugs Darling Tootsie.
Eversince this incident, both of us lost appetite and especially myself, I cant sleep.
Sad Mrs Tootsie.
** Thanks to our close friends concern and support! **
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Surprise !!!
However before I reached home, Darling Tootsie's phonecall and the address shown on the parcel arouse my suspicions ....from Apple...could it be what I wanted to get....I POD TOUCH??!!!
Just last week, Darling Tootsie told me that his mum has lost her MP3 player at Guangzhou and I suggested giving my current ipod shuffler to her since its slim and user friendly. Darling Tootsie casually mentioned he will get me a ipod touch as a replacement....woo its indeed a good deal for me..having to exchange for a expensive one :P Nonetheless, I din really think much of it as I am not into gadgets but I thought of getting a organiser since I have always been Darling Tootsie's "secretary" and I have been relying on my phone to memo down these schedules...the disadvantage is using phone to memo down the schedules is when you are on the line and wanna check, you are nt able to do so....
And gosh, Darling Tootsie is so sweet to arrange via DHL express to send the I-POD TOUCH to my house (with my sis's help for providing our home address to him).
Darling Tootsie thank u so much :) U've really given me a surprise and also to make my day a happy one as recently I am feeling quite moody cuz of my weak body condition.
Muacks Mrs Tootsie
Monday, July 27, 2009
Loving U
That Sun, Darling Tootsie took care of me, though he was sick too with sore throat and flu. I was really touched by Darling Tootsie tender loving care:)
Darling Tootsie I Love U MUACKssss...though at times everyone has their own flaws, nonetheless U are still the BEST in my EYE!
Mrs Tootsie
Monday, July 13, 2009
Yeah our wedding photo album is in process :)
Next task SETTLE GUESTS LIST so that we can start on our wedding cards (hopefully can collect the cards before the ghost festival starts on the 19th)...I suppose.
Cheers Mrs Tootsie
Friday, June 26, 2009
R.I.P Michael Jackson
Personally for me, I am not a fan of him...however I knew he is a sensation in the music entertainment circle. After watching a few clips of him last time, I was fascinated by his moonwalk dance. And I remembered when I was young I played a video game of him before from the sega video game machine:)
Though I still cannot accept the fact that he went to bleach his face and the plastic surgery that has done to his face...which turned out to be a failure now...I will still salute him for his music talent! Salute MJ!
Apart from MJ famous moonwalk dance, this is the one and only song which inspires me whenever I hear it :)

Monday, June 22, 2009
Wedding Preps
In fact, I should be working on something right now, and that's the collection of wedding cards from our Hotel. Reason being, I heard that during the ghost month festival (Aug 20th to Sept 20th), its best not to buy or get things from the vendor that concerns our wedding. So when Darling Tootsie is back, we shall work on the number of wedding cards we need, and get the cards from the hotel since we've already know the colour of the card we want. After 20th Sept or late Sept, we shall then send the cards for printing at my relatives printing company. (Takes another 2 weeks for printing)...after the confirmed guests list that we are going to work on it in early Aug.
So in early Oct, we should be sitting down together, to pen down the invited guests' names on the card:) with the help of my daddy for helping us to write the chinese name:) Thanks Daddy!
In early Nov, its time to send out the invites esp those using snail mails :) Hope my plan falls in place without any delay.
My wish now is to settle our guest lists...cuz I feel that this part is the real big headache and stressful job because I am someone who likes prompt reply and dislike ppl giving me tentative answers! Too bad...I gona face it!
Keeping my fingers crossed...I wish for a wedding planner....
Stressed Mrs Tootsie.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Miss my darling
This week, I have been staying at Darling Tootsie's place, and he will kept me company, asking me where I would like to go for late nite spins/supper, have breakfast with me before sending me to work. Same goes for today, when he does not need to report to work. He could have slept longer before he leaves to airport for his noon flight, but he woke up just to fetch me to work. I felt so touched. Love u Darling Tootsie:)
Cant wait to hug him again when he is back to my arms.
Mrs Tootsie
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The scariest movie I ever watched in 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
5 years ago...and NOW....I have gained back my skills..
Skills in gaining back my confidence in driving. Was at West Coast Mac an hr ago with Darling Tootsie, studying for our up-coming exams. On the way back, I hesitated about driving back home. However in my mind, I told myself I MUST DRIVE, Otherwise There's NO MORE CHANCE...especially now Darling is driving his bro's auto car. At this hour, there wasnt many cars, so I plucked up my courage and took the wheels, driving back to Darling's home and even parked the car, that fitted nicely into the lot. I feel my confidence level coming back to me again, just like what I have learnt on the road 5 yrs ago...
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, June 12, 2009
Cant wait to see the design layout of the album in a month's time:)
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, June 5, 2009
Our Wedding Photoshoot Pics are ready!!!
Excited Mrs Tootsie :)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Pie Kia
Our colleague is leaving today and so she gave us this really nice pie :)
Its a Pie Kia Pie...sounds so local :) Take alook at their web.
Mrs Tootsie
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It was a famous bun...what I heard from my colleague is that, this place called Tampopo @ Liang court only limit each person to buy 4 buns from them and they only make 40 buns during a certain timing. And so one of our sales colleague and the other purposely went there to queue and got a total of 8 Tampopo buns.
Verdict : As I have always hated creamy custard bun, but the Tampopo bun cream wass....wasss.....sooooooooooooooooo FRESH and the shiokness is the Ooozing cream...OYishii!!! Fyi...its a Japanese bun. How come all Japanese food taste so good...will I eat more during my honeymoon trip to Japan next yr?....mmmmmmmm
Mrs Tootsie
Our Wedding Photoshoot
The day started at 9am and with all the make up, changing of our outfits and hairdo and indoor shoots, we only left the studio at about 4pm before we headed to the places we have chosen to take our outdoor shoots:) Hot humid day, my photographer was practically sweating through his skin pores...constantly wiping his sweat with his hanky. Nonetheless, thumbs up for his professionalism. During the journey, did we know that his previous working experience is doing photoshoots for wonder most of the poses he has asked me to pose, are very "model pose" eg. act sexy lar...two hands on the waist and pose...gosh...!!!!!!
The most memorable part of the outdoor shoots, is the place where we had chosen to take for our sunset shots. Never in my life, have I climbed over a high grilled fencing. Reason for doing so, is to capsure sunset shots in a small boat that was parked by the lake. Hurt my left palm alittle but the pain, the sweat, the tiredness, its all worth it! And I cant wait to see and choose all the unedited photos in 3 weeks time...
Oppss...poor Mr and Mrs Tootsie...were soooo hungry yesterday especially Mrs Tootsie only ate one bread throughout the day until 7pm when the shoot ended. Darling Tootsie ate 3 breads and of course this cannot fulfilled his stomach. We headed for a roti prata dinner after showering...and Darling Tootsie ate 4 pratas lor! My god!
Thanks to Darling's C905 :)
Mrs Tootsie
Monday, May 18, 2009
Auspicious day
When I was in one of the bridal link, for those couples that registered to the link, there's a total of 34 couples getting married on our auspicious day...gosh!!! This explains why my make up artiste cannot do the second round of make up for me during my second march in.
Being curious I went to check on another date 20.09.2009, I knew many couples will choose this date to get married...True as it is...already 73 couples registered their wedding date to the bridal link...
I suppose there should be not all couples will register to the bridal link.
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, May 15, 2009
My First Attempt
Finally I get to taste my chicken rice...and its nice...thanks Mummy for teaching me how to cook, without even using the oily chicken paste :)
Darling Tootsie said not bad :) Daddy Tan said should have also put Pandan Leaves, and according to Darling Tootsie, if his dad give such comment, means the rice is not bad le...haahha Really ma? ? !!
Mrs Tootsie
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Yeah! On the 29th May
In conjunction with Eat with Your Family Day 2009, we will be ending our work at 4.30pm on the 29th May :). Heres the link showing those companies that's participating for this event.
Afterwhich in the late evening, I will be catching up with my secondary old classmates of 4E8. Wonder has some of them changed...become prettier (just like me hahaha) or fatter, married, have kids and become auntie? oh gosh cant wait to see the changes...hahaha
Mrs Tootsie
Monday, May 11, 2009
Our Wedding Photoshoot
Mrs Tootsie
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pop corns
Both movies are so exciting and really makes my day after a boring tiring day at work:)
Next movie that I am eagerly anticipating is TRANSFORMERS!!!! I will be pampering myself this wkend for a gold class movie for Wolverine. Hope its another exciting show keke.
Mrs Tootsie
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Our Saturday

Afterwhich, we met up with Mr L and our shopping spree began! Darling Tootsie bought a really really nice (maroon red blackish shiny colour shoes) at Taka. Luckily there's a 20% discount, and so we had paid a really good price. It was really nice :)

Friday, April 24, 2009
Energy saving Pot
Mrs Tootsie
Thursday, April 23, 2009
How old is ur "CURRY POK"
Guess what was his reply:
Darling Tootsie: How old is the curry pok? Got 60 years old?
When I read that sms, I was like errrr...wat is he talking come my "curry pok" can become 60 years old, what has the old age do with my delicious yummy curry pok?
So I called him and he said :" ya you told me you bought Old Curry Pok"
I was like...OLD CHANG KEE lor...simi OLD Currry Pok.
Joke of the day.
Mrs Tootsie
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Who's next?
Both darling Tootsie and I met quite a few big stars at the yoga centre that we have yoga together...just a few hrs ago, I saw Stefanie Sun in the dressing room...and a few months back, we saw Fann Wong...

Hmmm...who's next ;P
Mrs Tootsie
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
R.I.P Ah Sang
Though I haven hear any news from her, as she is nt very popular like those idol celebrities, however its this song and the lovely voice behind it, that I notice Ah Sang. She was only 34. Its really a pity to lose her, a lady with a lovely voice.
Live is short..we will never know what happen to us down the road. Let's treasure our love ones:)
So excited :)
Thanks mum and dad for getting me this perfect cut diamond ring as part of my wedding gift.
Mrs Tootsie
Sorry we are left with 2 eggs....
So Mr Tootsie asked the waiter, any substitution for the other set with no eggs, and Ember Lodge being so inflexible, told us "Sorry Sir, we cant". Mr Tootsie felt like leaving...however we decided to stay and have our last meal here at Ember Lodge. Mr Tootsie of course cant have his American Breakfast and ordered sandwiches instead.
We shall condemned this place for being so inflexible. Not only that when we once went there for drinks at night, they gave us the wrong receipt and overcharged us, that include a jug of beer! Yeap its our fault for not checking and that time we din really "blacklisted" this cafe. However after last Sunday's incident, we shant be going back again!
After the not so "enjoyable" breakfast, we headed to GWC. I have bought two pairs of shoes for my photoshoot (one with heels in ivory white colour and the other pure white, lacoste sneakers). The one with heels is a sales item hehehe so its a good grab :)
As for the lacoste sneakers, thought its pretty ex to me at $99, however I feel that I can wear it very often as my wkend dressing is always in shorts:P
Alrightey, whatever I was told to buy for my photoshoot from my designer, has been done! Berms (checked), White shoes (checked). Yeah!
This Saturday, we are meeting Mr L, to shop for Darling Tootsie's black shoes etc...the things he needs to get for our photoshoot.
Thanks to Mr L for lending Darling Tootsie his bling bling cuff links:) We really appreciate his kindness!
Hmmm this evening I am looking forward to meeting Nana darling...another helpful fren of ours. She gave me advise and helped me alot for our wedding preps. Today we are going down to meet our JP, who is Nana darling's gynae.
Thanks Nana darling for all ur help:) Both Darling Tootsie and myself really appreciate it too. Cheers!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tore my working pants not ONCE but TWICE !!!!
Last year I had a fall outside our co, on the way back home...and as the pavement is pretty rough, my pants (knee cap area) was torn and it was the same area!!!! That is my left knee cap. That time I was wearing a black pants and I had to buy one to replace it...I am quite particular about pants cutting, so in fact I had a hard time looking for one, until I saw her at Mango hahaha...OK that was last year!!!
And THIS YEAR!!! Just yesterday evening, again outside my co building, also the same area, I was on my way for yoga lesson, while chatting with my colleague, my feet tripped over a netting and I fell again! Same left knee cap was injured and this time, grey pants torn!!! Arggg!!!!
Sobsob...I hailed a cab back home and changed into shorts and went downtown for my yoga lesson as I did not want to miss Ms D class. I love her class! This is the first time you see me how determined I was, going for lesson even when I had a bad fall hahaha.
Now I gona look for another pair of new grey pants sobsob :(
Mrs Tootsie with "soft Legs"
Yeah I got my fav colour...Light blue:)
Mrs Tootsie
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Goodbye Butterfly! I will miss you!
Feel rather emotional and sad though....the butterfly will just disappear like this after 250 years of history.
Sad Mrs Tootsie
Progress of our Sapphire
Monday, April 13, 2009
It has become a reality
This coming Thursday all of us will receive a welcome pack from our new co and on Friday morning we will have the unveiling ceremony of our new signage.
I have also realise that in our co homepage, there's a new name added to the header : Cxxx, Now Part of Bxxx.
The Finale
Today is also the day that our co has organised a photo taking session with our co familiar butterfly logo...the feeling was pretty sad though...even when I am with them for like more than 4 years... I must say its really a good co to work with especially the nice bosses and colleagues whom I have worked with. Its pretty hard to find nice ppl in MNCs.
Mrs Tootsie
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Our Pre-Wedding Food Tasting
At the hotel dining table for our food tasting, we were given a card to access each dishes, a total of 9 dishes.. ... During the dinner, Darling Tootsie's mummy was teasing Darling and even after the dinner, she wont let go of Darling Tootsie and asked him how come he did not ask for my hands from my parents .... well I guess Darling Tootsie is shy. I can understand that if I am in his shoes, the most important thing is Darling Tootsie has always been treating me well and my parents can what my dad once told me, it doesnt matter as long as Darling Tootsie treats me well and of course I have a very understanding parents:) Dar u are lucky!
Hmmm back to the dinner...well not much comments for all the dishes as both Darling Tootsie and myself had a late lunch so we were rather full after the 3rd dish. So the critics given are based on general comments from our parents :) and a little feedback to our Chef. Of course, thumbs up for the dessert which I have specially requested to change for our wedding as I have tried their dessert before and I love it. It was very refreshing when it goes down the throat.
I am still feeling Full now...burrrpppppppp!!!!!!!!!!
mmmm this wkend, we are all having yummy feast...time to jian fei!
Mrs Tootsie
4 dian Jin
Have seen different sizes of the diamond. The lady showed us a 0.56 carat diamond and it does look good on my finger..however I find that the price is too ex...ard $3 xxx, G grade. My mum wanted to get it for me...but I decided to just settle with a 0.46 carat, E grade, VS1 (perfect cut) :) Thanks Mummy.
Mummy was tempted by the diamonds there too..and bought for herself a pair of earrings for $1xxx ahahah and a ring :P
Look forward to seeing my first diamond ring :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Our Good Friday
It was an enjoyable one for both Mr and Mrs Tootsie. Our day began by exploring to the new shopping mall at Tampines and initially both Mr Tootsie and myself wanted to go and see this jap brand - UNI QLO. Guess what!!! There's a super long queue of typical kiasu singaporeans queuing up outside the shop (well I suppose there's some sales going on since the mall was opened on Thursday).
Mr Tootsie and myself hated queues and so we decided to leave this mall and will definitely be back when the crowd dies down. However its rather a fruitful trip for me as I have spotted a 3 quarts berms that my bridal designer had asked me to look out for...for our upcoming photoshoot:) and sooo I bought it! hehehe well actually I bought another one just today :P from Mphosis, just a diff colour though.
Back to our Good Friday activity, we actually headed to meet someone whom I thought I could get a deal from him for our wedding. However I was pretty pissed off by his unsure answers given to me though we both communicated before in emails. So I have decided not to get anything from him!
The day was rather spoilt by some Bast**** who opened the door of his MPV and hit so hard to our car that we both can feel the jerk. We were inside the car as it was raining very heavily out there and we needed a shelter. Darling Tootsie was extremely angry and we both decided to teach him abit of lesson. He tried to scratch back his car, however I kinda stopped him abit cuz I saw someone walking towards our direction. We were drenched nonetheless.. but we just dashed to the place and paid the deposit to the lady as we have rented something from her for our photoshoot. Feeling so excited...but hope its a fine day for us for our wedding photoshoot. When the rain stopped, we actually explored some areas that we have did some researched online and more or less, we have decided where to take our pics:)
That evening was definitely a nice pampering one for the both of us :) Especially with the company of our friends. Since last month, we have been talking about having some fine dining at Keppel Bay. Yes we did and pampered ourselves at The Prive. It was really a cosy nice place. Thumbs up for the food and services too. The bill came up to almost $450 for 5 pax. I thought that was pretty reasonable with the nice cuisine and some of us ordered wine.
Mmmm after dinner, of course we must have some dessert to sweeten up this holiday since everyone of us dressed up to the nines. We headed to 2AM dessertbar. Cool place where we can just stretch our legs and relax and sweeten ourselves with the nice dessert there. I love it!
This is the kind of gathering that both Darling Tootsie and myself enjoys once awhile:) Life is short and we live for once!
Mr & Mrs Tootsie
Monday, April 6, 2009
Fun Wedding Gown Selection
Well my mtm EG, is not fully completed...but the design layout is there already. Its sexy...woo la la...hahaha kidding lar...something spicy and very different from my princess WG.
After trying my mtm gowns, we went upstairs to try gowns for my photoshoot. Yeah after spending 4 hrs there, I have chosen the gowns....I am simply too tired...and think I will just stay with it for the final fitting ...3 days before my photoshoot.
I need to maintain my wt now cuz I have lost abit of wt and my mtm gowns need to re-alter..
During this month, we gona start to look out for the things to buy for our photoshoot...Darling's black shoes, cuff links, my white fitting berms and sneakers:P You may wanna ask me why I need sneakers and berms...shall keep this a secret:P
Mrs Tootsie
More updates of our new house
Looking forward to see the date changing each time...who knows by early quarter of 2011, our new nest might be ready :)
So looking forward...
Mrs Tootsie
My second gown fitting today :)
The first time when I saw "her", I wasnt very pleased maybe becuz its not complete or maybe I am quite a fussy person in terms of design...
I was chatting with one of the netizen also from the same bridal studio as me, she showed me pics of her completed main gown and I was totally mesmerized by it...especially her big long train :) so I hope my completed version can impressed me, as least....
Feeling real excited now...and counting down now to see my gowns and of course selecting more gowns for my upcoming shoot :) oh yess....I will be having my trial make up today under the magic hands of Mr E....hehehe so today at work, my face is all naked.
Mrs Tootsie
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Still in a dilemma
One theme is elegant but yet suits my sexy evening gown.
The other theme is sweet and suits my sweet main leh...
Should I choose the elegant theme since I will be wearing the evening gown during the whole night and during the table photo taking session...hmmm
Mrs Tootsie
Our weekends...
On Sat, we had a pretty enjoyable weekend. Watched JJ concert. I must say his voice is great and the concert was especially heart warming with the performance from his parents.

One of the special guest that I looked forward to watching her, is Fan WeiQi. I must say her vocals when sang live is Perfect :)

Last Sun, something unpleasant happened on the road...well let bygones be bygones and be a lesson that rings in our mind :)
Hope everything goes smoothly for both of us down the road:) Angel Bless!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
So Enchanting :)
Initially I have always wanted a black and red theme, the hotel do have it, but it definitely lose out to the Dream Theme from the other hotel where I have attended my uncle's wedding.
As for the theme that we have decided it has got a very mystic, enchanting feel, just like you are in a fairytale land, walking in the dark enchanting forest, that kinda feeling :) When I first saw the photo, I was like WOW... (same comments from my Aunt Fel..she was like WOW) I was thinking why everything falls so in place for gown with a tint of blue and white, and now the theme...I told Darling Tootsie how nice that everything lay so nicely for us..despite the recent hiccups we face during our wedding preps..
Darling Tootsie replied: "everything will fall in place cos we're good ppl"
Thanks Angel :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A Rainbow Saturday :)
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, March 20, 2009
My 2nd time...
The first time I remembered I cooked for Darling Tootsie was some chicken with some dark sauce and I got 2 thumbs up from him.
This time, which was last evening, I decided to cook white carrot soup, bittergourd with egg and rice (added with chicken rice paste).
First let's start with the white carrot soup...yeah its a successful..taste nice and warm :)
Second was the bittergourd with egg...the pan that I cooked with was burnt hahaha and the bittergourd was not so well cooked. It was hard :( Darling Tootsie of course can't swallow this dish was dumped to the bin.
Last but not least, the rice which I have added the chicken rice paste...smells Gooodddddddd...BUT too soggy!!!!!!!!!! Argggg....otherwise its almost really taste like chicken rice lor (without the chicken of course)..haizzz...
Ganbette! I will keep trying until I have whipped out a nice perfect ai xin dinner for Darling Tootsie :)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Chill-out by THE BAY
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Beginning on the Tues...the 10th
As Darling Tootsies' parents were away for business trip, I stayed and kept him company. On a Wednesday wee morning, Darling Tootsie, complained his whole bodyache, breaking out in cold sweat...although he had seen a doc that nite. I was worried and cant sleep well...all thanks to the stupid creaking bed. So I had no choice and took a urgent leave on Thursday to take care of Darling Tootsie, although I had a workshop to attend on that day.
Thurday was suppose to be Isetan Sales day when I need to collect the bed sheet we intended to use for our Wedding day and also meeting my good frens....however looking at Darling Tootsies' condition, I guess he still need my company. So that morning, I rushed to get the bed sheet that I have reserved, take away food for both of us for the day.
I thought Darling Tootsie is well recovered and can be back to work on Fri. Again, he told me he had a sore throat and again, he left the office on Fri noon to take a rest at home :(
Yesterday nite, Darling Tootsie whined again...complaining he had a very bad headache and broke out in cold sweat too...I was so scared..and gave him med to eat..
Seeing him so sick, sadden no matter what, I have made the decision to bring Darling Tootsie to see Dr Chew, my family doctor whom I see him since young and always recovered fast when I consumed his med, though his med fee is pretty ex.
The medical fee cost Darling Tootsie $47. Although this time round, he needs to consume antibiotics, I told Darling Tootsie, he needs that to kill the bacteria! I really pray that Darling Tootsie is back to his hyper-active self:)
Initially I already wanted to forgo the idea of gng to the Charles and Keith & Pedro warehouse sale since Darling Tootsie is not well. Caught by surprise, he brought me to his workplace area to have lunch and head to the warehouse sale. I was shocked of course. Muacks!Maybe Darling Tootsie know I am a shoe lover hahaha
I grabbed a ivory white colour working bag hehee at the sale :)
Ta dar....below are pictures of our Wedding Bed Sheet (After less is $150 with 500 bed threads, using our Isetan vouchers) and my purchased item from C&K sale.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Our HK Drama Marathon begins

Saturday, March 7, 2009
More Updates on our Wedding prep ...
The unique part about Darling Tootsie's shirts is the patterns on his collar and cuffs :) We will be looking out for cuff links...although we have shortlisted one of the cuff links design while shopping down town today. Its tagged too pricey....will look for sale...
Our fren Mr L is anticipating to see the finished tailored shirts and he is too tempted to make the shirts and pants from this tailor too :P . The price for these tailored shirts are pretty compared to those that you bought from Tangs...I would rather have it tailored since the price is almost the same.
Afterwhich, we went shopping down town, and at Isetan Shaw, I spotted this Sakura like design bedsheet (with quilt cover, pillow and bolster cover)....hmmm I have been looking for bedsheets with red / pinkish designs on it for our wedding bed (instead of the normal XI wedding bed sheet)...and I found it! Darling Tootsie likes the bedsheet design too. Very sakura like...and the sakura flowers are embroidered on. hee I got a very good discount....I have it reserved so that I can get a 20% disc for this bedsheet when I get it this Thurs (Isetan sale).
Feel so happy and satisfied today, although I had a bad cramp :(
At Darling Tootsie's home now, after borrowing the HK Drama - Gem of Life from Aunt F :) Our HK marathon begins tonight!
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, February 27, 2009
"Marry in blue, lover be true."
Well, the color blue was the traditional color for weddings many years ago. I am sure not many people know about that :)
During the late 19th century, brides wore blue wedding gowns to symbolize purity and fidelity.
A special touches of blue to my main gown, wearing on me, on this special day, 6th Dec 09 :)
I marry in blue, I will be true to Darling Tootsie:) hehehe :P
With Eternal Love,
Mrs Tootsie
Monday, February 23, 2009
70s & 80s Memories:)
Fond memories For those who born in the 70s and 80s.
1. You grew up watching He-man, MASK, Transformers, Silver Hawk andMickey Mouse. Not to forget, Ninja turtles, MyLittle Pony and Smurfs too. (I agree)
2. You grew up brushing your teeth with a mugin Primary school during recess time. You will squat by a drainwith all your classmates beside you, and brush your teethwith a coloured mug.The teachers said you must brush each side 10 times too. (I agree)
3. You know what SBC stands for. (I agree)
4. You pay 40 cents for Chocolate or Strawberry MILK every week in class. (I agree)
5. You watch a very popular Malay dubbed Japanese drama on RTM1about schoolgirls who possesspowerful skills in volleyball called Meoro Attack. (What's that?!)
6. You find your friends with pagers and handphone cool in Secondary school. (Not so rich lor..this only happens to me during Poly days)
7. SBS buses used to be non-airconditioned. The bus seats are madeof wood and the cushion is red. The big red bell gives a loud BEEP!when pressed. There are colourful tickets forTIBS buses.The conductor will check for tickets by using a machine whichpunches a hole in the ticket. (I agree)
8. Envelopes given to us to donate to Sharity Elephant everyChildren's Day.9. You've probably read Young Generation magazine.You know who'sVinny the little vampire and Acai the constable. (I agree)
10. You were there when they first introduced MRT here. You wentf or the first ride with your parents and you would kneel on theseat to see the scenery. (Nope din go)
11. Movie tickets used to cost only $3.50. (Cant first movie was during Secondary sch days)
12. Gals are fascinated by Strawberry ShortCake and Barbie Dolls. (I agree..I am not a strawberrt shortcake fan cuz I find them very Freckly...I love barbies dolls! I even cut Barbie Dolls' hair to create new hairsyles for them and thought their hair will grow again sobsob)
13. You learn to laugh like The Count inSesame Street. (No leh...I only know the song!)
14. You longed to buy tibits called Kaka (20 cents per pack), andDing Dang (50 cents per box), that had a toy in it and it changesevery week not forgetting the 15 cents animal crackers and the ring pop, wherethe lollipop is the diamond on the ring. (I agree)
15. You watched TV2 (also known as Channel 10) cartoons becauseChannel 5 never had enough cartoons for you. (Not true! Ch 5 got my favourite Wrestling Show)
16. Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, The ThreeInvestigators, Famous Five and Secret Seven are probably the thickeststory books you ever thought you have read. Even Sweet Valley Highand Malory Towers. ( I prefer Famous Five and Secret Seven :))
17. KFC used to be a high class restaurant thatserve food in plates and let you use metal forks and knives. (Is that so?)
18. The most vulgar thing you said was asshole and idiot and THE MOST EXTREME WAS 'super white' justcouldn't bring yourself to say the hokkien relative. (That's still not my most vulgar word I used...during Pri Sch I scolded "Gao Bei Gao Mu" and dont even know what it means :P)
19. Catching was the IN thing and twist as the magic word. (What's that?!)
20. Your English workbooks was made of somedamn poor quality paper that was smooth and yellow. (oki lar)
21. CDIS were your bestfriend (What's that?!)
22. The only computer lessons in school involved funny pixellised
characters in 16 colours walking about trying to teach you maths. (Dunno?)
23. Waterbottles were slinged around your neck and a must everywhere you go. (I dont sling ard my neck, my shoulder instead)
24. Boys loved to play soccer with small plasticballs in the basketball court. (I am Mrs Tootsie...will ask Mr Tootsie)
25. Teng-teng, five stones, chapteh, hentambola and zero point were all the rage with the girls and boys too... (I only play zero point during recess time)
26. Science was fun with the balsam and the angsana being the mostimportant plants of our lives, guppies andswordtail being the most important fish. (ok lar)
27. Who can forget Ahmad, Bala, Sumei andJohn, eternalized in our minds from the textbooks. Even Mr Wally & Mr.Yakki. What abt Miss Lala??? And Zaki and Tini in Malay Textbooks
(hahaha Yeah...Ahmad, Sumei, Bala, the Wolly and Yakki frens and Miss Lala..!!!)
28. We carry out experiments of our own to get yourself badges forbeing a Young Zoologist/Botanist etc. (Yeah I collected lots:))
29. Every Children's day and National dayyou either get pins or pens with 'Happy Children's Day 1993' or dumbfiles with 'Happy National Day 1994'. (I agree)
30. In Primary six you had to play buddy for theyounger kids like big sister and brother. (ok leh)
31. We wear BM2000, BATA, or Pallas shoes. (I wear Bata)
32. Your form teacher taught you Maths, Science and English. (cant rem)
33. The worksheets were made of brown rough paper of poor quality.34. You went to school in slippers and a raincoat when it rained,and you find a dry spot in the school to sit down, dry your feet,and wear your dry andwarm socks and shoes. (I agree)
35. School dismissal time was normally around 1 pm. (yes!)
36. There would be spelling tests and mentalsums to do almost everyday. (My fav :))
37. Your friends considered you lucky and rich ifyour parents gave you $3 or more for pocket money everyday. (bo leh...mine only $0.80 cents)
38. You see Wee Kim Wee's face in the school hall. (Yeah)
39. You freak out when the teacher tells you to line up according to height and hold hands with the corresponding boy or girl (Ya I was shy then)
40. Boys like to catch fighting spiders. (Mr Tootsie did that..he once told me)
41. Collecting and battling erasers was a pastime for boys. (Mr Tootsie..are u one of them?)
42. Autograph books were loaded with "BestWishes", "Forget Me Not", and smallpoems like "Bird fly high, hard to catch.Friend like you, hard to forget". (I agree)
43. Class monitors and prefects loved to say "You talk somemore, Iwrite your name ah!" (Have meh?)
44. There were at least 40 people in one class. (sort of)
45. Large,colourful schoolbags were carried. (think so...)
46. You brought every single book to school, even though there was one thing called the timetable. (Not so stupid lar)...
For those who are born in those days... remember the good old days?
For those who arent.... know what u missed out..?
Does/can the present be exchangable for the past?
U decide.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Which season are u
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Looking forward :)

BB Issac is such an Angel :)
He is such a cutie, with rosy cheeks! And I had given my virgin hug to bb Issac...First time in my life have I braved up my courage to carry a one day old bb in my hands:) I feel so proud of myself, as a proud god ma of Issac.

Issac is pretty heavy and his cry is loud and clear! Both Darling Tootsie and myself have reached the hosp around 6 plus in the evening...waited and waited to see bb Issac to be pushed into the ward...but was told that he needs to be put in the warmer for a certain time to reach the normal temperature, and bathed him before pushing into his mummy's arms :) And finally around 10 pm do we get to see this love angel, surrounded with his loved ones:) I suppose this day is my happiest day of the week! Little Angel, You have finally arrived into your mummy & daddy's arms and nana darling's 9 months of pain and endurance is worthwhile!
Good nite Sweetie, HUGs!
Mr and Mrs Tootsie
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Yeah our new nest is on the way..way...way...
Looking forward to staying in our new nest hopefully by 2011 :)
Mrs Tootsie
Mr and Mrs Tootsie are going to be God Parents Any Minute!
I received a call from Darling Tootsie:
"Baby, Issac is coming out soon!" (Excited tone from Darling Tootsie).
I felt so happy and excited of course. I felt happy is because yesterday night Darling Tootsie was telling me he was very angry over some comments and when I heard his happy voice this morning, I feel happy! Excited YES Excited to be God Ma! My first time!
Opps today we are having our yoga lesson. It shall be CANCELLED!!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Excited to seeing Mr and Mrs P creation
Looking forward to seeing their creation on that night :)
Mrs Tootsie
Monday, February 16, 2009
She is not completely ready...
When I first saw "her", which is like only 60% finished, but I am impressed by the details done to her tail.
I must say "She" is sweet...with her tail that has blue gathers around her, visualising a mermaid walking down the aisle with the water at her tail...this is how I would describe abt "her"
The front part of "her" has a lovely heart shaped on it which is lovely embroidered. However more details will be done to her tail, embedded with blue and white organza like flowers and her front will be embroidered with more blings and will be ballooned with a can can underneath.
I am looking forward to seeing the completed "her" in Apr :)..
So its a sweet Mrs Tootsie to be walking down the aisle during the first march in and a sexy little chilli padi for the second part of her fairy tale wedding :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My "Hello Kitty" gown
However as mentioned before in my previous blog entries, I am scared to see the actual piece...and just yesterday night, I HAD A DREAM and its not a good one though!
I dreamt that my gown had HELLO KITTY design on my gown and my blue and white combi colour train is soooo short...Whats happening! In my dream, I freaked out! and worst is I am still back to wearing the Off The Rack Gown and had to pay more $ :S
This is the backview of my gown...cant really draw....My "hello Kitty" gown with a short train!
I am scared *covering my eyes with my hands* Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Mrs Tootsie
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Beauty of being KS!
My cousin will be getting married next year 23rd Jan 2010. However she panicks now over the hotels as 12 hotels that she has sourced have rejected her...All were fully booked...She is now left with Amara Santuary Hotel @ Sentosa and St Regis. Though my cousin has no wedding budgets, however the increase price for most of the hotels is really ridiculous. For Amara Santuary Hotel, according to her they should be paying like $1600 per table and St Regis (min 40 tables), will be $2000 per table.
Most likely my cousin will choose Amara Santuary Hotel as they have got only 30 tables. Just yesterday, she was telling me that she thought having to book the hotel 1 year before the wedding was very KS, and when I told her I enquired the hotels 1.5 yrs before my big day, which is more KS, I was also surprise to hear that most of the hotels that I have shortlisted are fully booked too! So in conclusion, there's nothing wrong being KS, of course nt being the typical Singaporean, but I just feel that if you want to get things in your way, you gona act fast! Thats my style of working maybe :) I see nothing wrong with that (maybe like mother like daughter, we are both GC spiders) least I feel that I am more organised in this way and not grabbing Buddha's legs in the very last min....Amithabudda...Buddha will say " Serve U Right for being so last min" :)
Mrs Tootsie
Awaiting to see my actual main gown .... and looking forward to...
I just have to face it even if the MTM gown is not up to my expectations....thats the risk of having a MTM gown...but both darling and myself got a good deal with our bridal studio..due to some friends connections :P
I am looking forward to my pampering stay at Ritz to celebrate this year Valentines' Day with Darling Tootsie :) At times I love to pamper myself by staying in the hotels to relax myself :) Ritz is one of my wish and Fullerton too hehehe.
Initially Darling Tootsie suggested a get-away package at Batam, Holiday Inn Suite that includes massage. We have stayed there before with our friends and frankly comment is so so only...pretty boring place... I was thinking since the price we are paying for the Batam trip for 2 is about the price we are paying for Ritz, why dont we stay at Ritz since we have never stay before and it would definitely be more pampering than the one at Batam. heheheh.
Darling Tootsie agreed! Yeah! On condition I cannot grumble to go for holidays for this yr :P except for our honeymoon trips :P
Thank u Darling Tootsie :)
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mrs Tootsie heaved a sigh of relief
Though I should say I can breathe properly now...however still, I would expect more hiccups to come along when its near my wedding :) nevertheless I hope angel is still blessing me :)
Mrs Tootsie
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Updates of Mrs Tootsie
Next Fri, (Friday the 13th somemore), I finally can see my first MTM gown. Mixed feeling though as I am quite scared to see if the gown design is up to my expectation. Drawings definitely look splendid...but u really cannot imagine when u see the real piece right before your eye....On that day, we will then go into discussion for my Evening Gown design...feeling excited :)
Hope the angels will bless me as time comes along....with my exams coming along, wedding ....I hope I will still look lovely as an Angel in Darling Tootsies' eyes :)
Mrs Tootsie
Friday, January 2, 2009
Last day of 2008 Mrs Tootsie's classic!
Since the day we started this blog, its mostly about my funny classics. Well and again, before I ended my 2008, I created another classic again on the 31st Dec 08.
I have forgotten to zip my shorts!!!! Mr Tootsie spotted it. *shit* He should have spotted earlier...I cannot imagine I was walking to the hawker centre with my zip open!
Oh yes to Darling : Happy 2 Year 1 month Anniversary! Muacks!
Mrs Tootsie