Monday, September 15, 2008


Mrs Tootsie stayed over last Friday nite as we had to run some errands early next morning.

So I was sound asleep, when Mrs Tootsie woke me up ask me whether I had a dream cos I "Oei" her twice. lol.

I was actually dreaming that I was at my old flat. The one with a corridor outside. I went out of my room in my old flat and I saw this auntie standing outside using my phone inside through the window. So I "Oei, what you doing?". And I went back to find my mum to confront her. And when I came out again I saw that my front door was actually open too! And she was brave enough to continue using my phone when I "Oei" her once already! So I "Oei" her again and that is when I got woken up by Mrs Tootsie.

Mrs Tootsie was actually having a dream of her own as well... when my 1st "Oei" woke her up. She thought nothing of it and went back to sleep but I "Oei" the lady the 2nd time remember? So she woke up again to wake me up to ask if I was dreaming.

I woke up and I remember my dream and I started to laugh. Unable to control myself. lol. Mrs Tootsie also laugh along with me and together we laugh for quite a while before we could stop and fall back asleep again...

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