Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Abused and the Abuser

Everyone's been talking about the maid who abused the baby. How although the Mom did not suspect the maid to be abusive, she installed a camera for precaution as she have heard of maids abusing the baby.

A Search on Youtube would bring out all the clips of the baby being abused. Of course I have to agreed that this is inhuman. That is a defenceless baby we're talking about.

But why are we only making such a big fuss when something happens. How about US, Singaporeans abusing our maids? That happens too. Many times in fact.

I've watched through the whole series of maid abused and I don't see it as abusive as when the employer punch, kick, burnt and scald our poor maids.

And whats with Singaporeans anyway? Always trying to squeeze out every last value out of our maids? They are human as well, they deserve rest. C'mon, your kids can get a glass of water by themselves right? They can at least bring the dishes to the sink. You're spoiling your kids. And with the number of maids in Singapore, we're growing up to be a spoilt society. Rich, spoilt,unappreciative and always complaining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...