With the exception of expensive food, switzerland is a nice place.. friendly people, easy and efficient transport and nice scenery.. Only went for a week so only visited a few places.. mainly bern(capital), basel, luzern (Mrs Tootsie says: OMG since when did I bring u to Luzern, u said u not very interested to go there so we went to Montreux with Ara lor TOOT leh).. other than that we made a trip to the german border to get some cheap chocolates (hee also our Bally shopping spree) and also to Paris to see the Eiffel tower.
As usual.. our Mrs Tootsie created many classics.. I will try to remember them as I go along with the stories..
1) cb cb cb
haha.. we were in Paris on the way to the train when we pass by this guy talking on the phone. he repeated cb 3 times. i was shocked and looked at Mrs Tootsie wondering if she had heard it. than we burst out laughing. yes she heard exactly what I heard. (yeah I heard it...chee bye chee bye chee bye wonder what does it mean in french language)
2) croque mcdo
we were ordering mackers in Paris, again. i duno how to pronouce croque. I guess it should be with the silent que as in crotesque but i wasnt sure so I ask 'can I have the mcdo sandwich?'. (Luffs Mrs Tootsie..yaya after Mr Tootsie said mcdo sandwich, I cant help but kept giggling why Mr Tootsie dare not say out the word : Croque. Cuz he paiseh ma..that he will mis-pronounce it kekeke)The mackers waitress replied 'u mean croque mcdo?'
thanks for confirming my pronounciation. :P
hee and the Croque Mcdo was "lilly" nice YUM YUM how I wish SG have it. A healthy slim burger for ladies who want to be as slim as Croque Mcdo (tsk tsk MR Tootsie know the "lilly" joke)

Cant really remember anything else.. will update when I remember or maybe Mrs Tootsie can add on.
Mrs Tootsie says... woo btw Mr Tootsie...i think u brought the sun here, the moment u left Basel on Sunday, its a cooling day in Basel again...u miss that and its a pity I cant see u wearing ur cardi and ur Hugo boss scarf.
Mr Tootsie
1 comment:
wah Mr and Mrs Tootsie.. so pda-ing lo ... one wrote something.. one comment... still dare to say me and Mr pda likes to pda.. u two likes to pda in the blog lo.
love from
Mrs Pda
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