Take a look at below pics and maybe you see a slight resemblance...
By the way, I already gotten my sister permission before posting her pics :P
This Little Girl frm Channel 8 show
That's my sis

Mrs Tootsie
This Little Girl frm Channel 8 show
That's my sis
Mrs Tootsie
Ain't she cool with her white hair?
isn't she cute?
Well for you...
though ur texture is soft, but I think you are a bit too sweet for my morning taste bud. So you are OUT, McGriddle
Mrs Tootsie O_O
Must try Durian swiss rolls, of course. Made with real D-24 durians, you can taste the durian fibre as you bite into it.
THIS shop isn't in the heartlands, but it's still not where you'd expect to get such delicious durian swiss rolls. Customers come from the far ends of the island to buy them.
Mrs Tootsie O_O
So here I am in Melbourne. Finally.. after spending 3 days in Perth. So I've explore, brisbane, tasmania, perth, sydney and of course melbourne. I have to say Melbourne is still the place I want to be if I had to stay here.
There is no internet connect in my hotel in Perth so I had to make do with a 5 min call everyday to Mrs Tootsie. Anymore my Dad will kill me. My parents already suan me.
"Need to be so sticky one meh?"
Aiyohh.. our generation different from your generation mah.
Anyway.. We reach perth in the afternoon but by the time we reach the hotel, it was dinner time. So we spend the time searching for dinner than looking through some brochures to see which day tour we wanted. End up next day my dad didn't want to take any.
And spotted this creature diving for a fish. At first I didn't know what it was. I told my mum "what is this creature? Doesnt look like a goose but can dive so long underwater. Looks like that loch ness monster leh."
End up, it was one of those duno what creature that the chinese train it to catch fish and before it swallow, they tied the neck.
So Day 2 the start of our 1st tour.. Wave Rock..
Stop by this duno what town for tea break.
And drank at this *cough*Lan*cough*Jiao*cough* Cafe..
Before moving on to see this Dog Cemetery. You know, tourism is really a bullshit business. They can make a cock and bull story about something and make the place seems tourism-y.
Supposely someone wana buried his dog with humans in human cemetery but was reject so this rich guy donated a bit of his land to be a dog cemetery.
We came into this cave..
Where they have stories like this:
Legend of Mulka.. which talks about a illegitimate child of a aboriginal whoc kill her own mother and hide in the cave and lure people in and eats them as well. He grew to 7 over feet talk and can touch the top of his cave. So the moral of the story is.. If you wana grow tall you gotta eat your mum.
Finally the Wave Rock.. This is cool. Again.. through thousands of years of rain on this stones(limestone or granite?) until it became like that.
Cool huh?
Its +2 hours or 1+am now so I'll cut short my entry and continue tomorrow on Day 2 and 3 of Perth.
Hey thanks Tq, for giving me the other last piece...even though its not enough for our colleagues here! Appreciated :) ...so Mrs PDA do u still wanna try TQ bakery skill...the last one for u one leh....?
This wkend I gonna make a more nicer tasting and looking milo doggies again...to welcome dear dear.
Mrs Tootsie
Tadah ...mmm smells good...look at these doggies...they look so alive and crunchy after crying in the oven for 30 mins ..
Judge 1 (my bro) : mmm smells nice but the taste is bland except for the crunchy ears...6/10 for taste, 7/10 for appearance. Arrggg...say bland already still continue to steal my doggies... :P
Judge 2 (mum) : not bad. 7/10 for taste, 6/10 for appearance..my mum dont quite like sweet cookies..so a PASS for these doggies.
Judge 3 (sis) : crunchy ears but abit not sweet.
Judge 4 (dad) : abit not sweet
Well I shall leave my comments open to my friends and colleagues :) and I shall improve on the recipe again to welcome dear dear who is still touring in Aust (Perth & Melb).
Colleagues comment (Mon 14th Apr):
Judge 5 (TQ & Mr L) : nice 7/10. ** Thanks to TQ, he pointed out one of my mistake which I have left out from the recipe...I forgot to put three choc chips in the dough :) like what dear dear said...I read too fast at times
Judge 6 (Ms. L L) : very nice but abit not sweet...
(that's becuz of the mistake that TQ pointed out)
Judge 7 (Ms. S.J) : out of 10 pts, u've achieve 8 pts 2 pts for improvement good try. Many thanks for sharing.
Judge 8 (Ms M) : nice 7/10 for your cookies
Now I am looking forward to TQ bakery of the doggy cookies in Horlick version tomorrow.
Luv Mrs Tootsie :)
One of my colleague Ms SJ ordered a tempura set.
Ms SJ: "Mrs Tootsie", do you eat Ladybird
Myself: (Abit shocked) HUH ?!? Ladybird???
At this moment, Ms SJ laughed out : Sorry sorry, its Lady Finger. Sorry ah...this morning I have been reminding my kids to bring their Ladybird story book, so this word is always in my mind...
All three of us laughed.
So I took the tempura Lady Finger from SJ and took a bite.
Just then, I blurted out fluently and naturally without realising I have caught the "ladybird virus" : hmmm nice Ladybird....
Both Ms M and SJ burst out laughing again and looked at me: LADY BIRD???!!!
Opps its LADY FINGER. Hee :P
You Are An ESFJ |
The Caregiver You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first. A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change. You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project. You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people. In love, you value harmony and mutual understanding. You will apologize or give someone the benefit of the doubt, if it means getting over a fight sooner. At work, you are good at building relationships and connecting with people. You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher. How you see yourself: Organized, dependable, co-operative When other people don't get you, they see you as: Opinionated, critical, and know-it-all |
and little Lakshmi from India with 4 arms
I start to wonder why do there seems to have more deformities in babies in Asia (esp India, M'sia, Taiwan) as compared to Ang Moh countries. We asian have so much beliefs and superstitions as to what not to do before and during a pregnancy. The Ang Mohs don't have such superstitions but it seems there are less cases of such deformities. Or could it be the cases are less reported?
This actually rings a bell to me when my aunt who was carrying my little cousin during her 10 months pregnancy, she was gift wrapping for her Xmas party....in fact our granny actually nagged at her saying that she was not supposed to do such stuff (superstitious??) but my aunt din heed her advice.
so when my little cousin was born, his eyes are closed for almost a week..until a week later, his eyes opened (the doctor explained that its due to eye shit) but even when my little cousin's eyes are opened, one of his eye lid is abit slanted. Poor Little Malcolm got to undergo a plastic eye surgery to pull up his eye lid. Ouch! He will need to go thru a second op again at the age of 6. He is 3 yrs old now..
Hmm...Should we believe or not on such Chinese Beliefs and Superstitions. Even if we dont, why does such thing happen to us...u see those ang mohs...even when they dont have such beliefs, their babies are still so pinch-able and such a cutie.
THerr...u saw 2 on the pan, but there's 1 more on the other small plate cuz it looks so ugly and huge on my pan...as if I am a BIG EATER...in fact some female waitresses were looking at me....maybe they thought this dish is meant for Mr Tootsie...but WRONG!!!!
Well in fact one lady customer came in and took a glance and saw my dish...and her expression was like OH MY GOD! hahaha
Though these 3 fishes are just deep fried and basically are collar bones only, but I can only finish one while Mr Tootsie help me to finish another one. I was asking Mr Tootsie...can ta bao anot??!!
After footing our bill, Fish & Co always has this complimentary sweets that I love it alot! Cuz its mint! I am a minty girl :P