Oh my the Frogs' Porridge was oyishi nei!!!!!!!!! The best porridge I ever had...esp the sauce....oh my....Burrrpppppppp
And thank you Darling Tootsie....for giving me all the legs...:P

On the outside, I could be smiley cuz I am trying to stay positive and fighting thru this year.
I just hope this year will pass by soon ...esp in the beginning of year 2008, my work is not smooth sailing.... though problems at work means challenges... but what else more is coming??
That's the reason why I told Mr Tootsie I need a get-away for this year Xmas, somewhere out of Singapore esp now I cant take long leave until late Aug.
Mrs Tootsie counting down to 31 Dec 2008.
Would you like one?
No they're not coffee beans. They are Moose droppings or dunk, shit, feces, manure or to sound nicer, excrement.
Inside these Moose droppings are usually fibres of chew up barks so its quite solid. The collected droppings are painted with a clear coat of paint before it is made into jewellery so don't worry, you're not touching shit. Lol.
At Talkeetna, Alaska, the people make a big deal out of these droppings. They even celebrate these Moose shit by holding an annual mid July Moose Dropping Festival.
Its pineapple made of small little mini pineapple jelly. I don't know what is inside but I guess it should be pineapple favour. For the moment its for decorative purposes so I have to wait till after the CNY before I can try it. I CAN"T WAIT!
No not these lights! :P
Guess I've not driven cars like her whose headlights auto off after a certain time.